Editing: Academic or Business
Welcome to Language Online Editing. We are ready to help! Students or business. We range from dissertations to advertising. Editing is our core skill. Use us.
The service is online.
- You submit from the Submit tab. You pay directly after you’ve submitted.
- Email is the best way to be in touch if you have queries: straight from the Contact Us page.
- The Frequently Asked Questions are a goldmine of answers and downloadable PDFs.
What does a university want from a graduate student?
Simple really! A clear independent thinker.
Does that mean you cannot ask for help? Of course, you should ask for help. Know whom to ask and when to ask though. Always do your share first.
- Officially, in the education world you have supervisors, committee members, university librarians, examination panels, etc. In the business world you have colleagues and mentors.
- Unofficially you have friends, family, and colleagues.
- And if wise, you have an editor. This should be an ongoing relationship from early on in your studies or writing. A good editor will walk the long road with you and be that independent voice often so needed. Be sure to save or use some of your funding to pay an editor. Students often talk about how edits have meant sanity and a speedier research process.
Are you feeling stuck with your research work or writing? At some point, just nice to have an impartial eye that knows what pitfalls to look for. It is different for each piece of writing.
Does not matter at what point.
Select a good editor and have an edit. Nothing like that extra pair of eyes to get you going again. Sticking points happen all over: getting your thoughts going, getting pen to paper of fingers to keyboard. Self-editing is not easy: making sure your document is consistent, making sure there your style is consistent making sure there are no gaps in your content, making sure you are being systematic with your formatting. The list is endless. The point is it is easy to get stuck or lost. Find help to ensure a steady moving forward. Nothing worse than being an ABD (all but degree) student.
The author William Zinsser made the point that: “Bad writing makes bright people look dumb.” So, the Language Online editing solution: Have your work edited, and shine.